Narrative Space: two single channel projections, 2019
The Book B1 is an iteration from The Book in the Book in the Space showed in Seoul in 2016. It was a space with five codex shaped frames with void images of books facing their own reflections through mirrors. The Book series explores the physicality which furthers the potential of the spatiality of the notion of text and its container; the book. The Book B1 consists of the fragments of videos and images extracted from The Book in the Book in the Space leaving the structures and essence of the show. By taking out the vivid graphic images, it gives an explicit connotation of architectural structure into the abstract idea of reading.
Narrative Space: two single channel projections, 2019
The Book B1 is an iteration from The Book in the Book in the Space showed in Seoul in 2016. It was a space with five codex shaped frames with void images of books facing their own reflections through mirrors. The Book series explores the physicality which furthers the potential of the spatiality of the notion of text and its container; the book. The Book B1 consists of the fragments of videos and images extracted from The Book in the Book in the Space leaving the structures and essence of the show. By taking out the vivid graphic images, it gives an explicit connotation of architectural structure into the abstract idea of reading.