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2015. Royal College of Art (MFA), Visual Communication, London (UK)
2013. Ewha Womans University (MFA), Visual Communication Design, Seoul (KR)
2008. Ewha Womans University (BFA), Visual Information Design, Seoul (KR)


2022. 1 - 3. Glogauair, Berlin (GER)

Solo Exhibition

2021.island blues:춤의 섬, this weekend room, Seoul (KR)
2020. OML:가상연인, outhouse, Seoul (KR)
2018. 모호한말, 애매한 물질: Blurring Waves, Ambiguous Matters, Ttangsok Seoul (KR)
2017. 글_공간_하잎한_읽기: txt_space_hyperreading_exercise, ArtinSun, Seoul (KR)

Group Exhibition

2021. 미정의_말: Yet_to_be_Said, WWW Space, Seoul (KR)
2020. Secret 7”, NOW gallery, London (UK)
2018. Line of Death,, Berlin (GER)
2018. Part-timer’s, telepathicpower, Seoul (KR)
2017. 언_릴레이션: un_relation, l’espace71, Seoul (KR)
2017. 유령(Ghost): 실재적 가상적 물질, Placemak3, Seoul, (KR)
2017. Architecture as Material, NonBerlin, Berlin (GER)
2017. 644 Media Art, Gallery 644, Seoul (KR)
2016. PASA Festival, Gyeonggi Art Center, Suwon (KR)
2016. 읽을 수 없는 자: un_readable, Khalifa Gallery, Seoul (KR)
2016. Ficciones Typografika, Minneapolis (USA)
2016. Typo Night, Haus Ungarn, Berlin (GER)
2016. Show Us Your Type, Berlin, Online (GER)
2015. Nontitled Exhibition Match, Amway Centre, Bundang (KR)
2014. Ficciones Typografika, Minneapolis (USA)
2014. Wake Up Call, BFI, London (UK)
2014. Unsilent Movie, Samwon Paper Gallery, Seoul (KR)
2014. Umit, BL_NK, London (UK)
2013. between July & August, Gallery IS, Seoul (KR)


2021. 미정의_말: Yet_to_be_Said, WWW Space, Seoul (KR)
2017. 언_릴레이션: un_relation, l’espace71, Seoul (KR)
2017. 유령(Ghost): 실재적 가상적 물질, Placemak3, Seoul (KR)
2016. 읽을 수 없는 자: un_readable, Khalifa Gallery, Seoul (KR)
2013. between July & August, Gallery IS, Seoul (KR)


2018. PaTI(Paju Typography Institute), Paju (KR)
2017. Ewha Womans University, Visual Information Design, Seoul (KR)
2016. Ewha Womans University, Media Interaction Design, Seoul (KR)

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